Monday, March 9, 2015

Turtle Power Dudes

Booyakasha Dudes!

We had Hudson's 5th Birthday Party two weekends ago and it was not only super successful (thank you Pinterest for some TMNT pin-spiration) and fun, but we enjoyed the company of wonderful family and friends.  I think my little Dude was more than happy as it took him a few days to rest up after, along with a lingering cold, that everyone, except for myself, has caught so far! Hope this post doesn't jinx me. Haha... But, all in all, I would have to say Hudson definitely stuck to our family motto for his birthday party, "Go big or go home!"


Next up!? Maxton's Super Hero Party Backyard Movie Theater style! Stay tuned.. AND With that being said does anybody need a great way to print your invitations from home by customizing them with an Etsy Shop designer? Grace Bradford made some awesome TMNT invites for Hudson's party! I loved the layout, colors and most importantly she had happy blue background TMNT invites to chose from instead of your typical dark, almost scary TMNT invites. Sure made this Mom happy.

Check out her shop Bradford Road Designs at for ALL of your invitation needs. So easy and they look so awesome!

Until Next time....

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