Monday, February 9, 2015

We are having a Baby Girl!!!!

"Bows, Glitter, Tu-tu's, Head Bands, Lace, bright colors, summer dresses, Itty-bitty bikinis, Bling, fairies, princesses, tea parties, new shopping partner, Yay! ... Oh and now Mom won't be the only female in our testosterone run family! Finally TEAM GIRL!"  These were just the beginnings of the ALL the streaming thoughts going on in my mind when the ultrasound technician confidently confirmed "Yes, you are definitely having a girl!" REALLY? Are you SURE?!?!? This was way too good to be true! I think it took about two days to process, for real. Daddy and the boys were over the moon excited and just when all the excitement was circulating our family and friends we couldn't help but feel so very blessed. God, AGAIN! is SO Good!

                "Every Good and Perfect gift is from Above." James 1:17.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

New Year, New Family Blog!

Hello Family and Friends! 

It's that time of year where you think Wow, where did the time go? "It's a New Year" didn't hit me until the last week of January, honestly ... while we were STILL putting Christmas 2014 away.. Lol. The idea of buying a "real" tree sounded lovely at the time, however finding and picking up every single needle with your bare hands took some getting used to! Any body want a dollar to fill up a trash bag... boys? (No answer, no really.. lol) Who wants to buy a new vacuum because it broke from being jammed up with pine needles? NOT ME!!!! But- Sometimes the hard work and time put in pays off with so many awesome memories. I would pick up every single needle 10 times over just to go back to that chilly December day where my Husband and Boys scoured every inch of that Christmas tree farm with a saw and tree cart in tow to find "the perfect" tree. The smiles, warm apple cider kisses, cuddles by the fire and the joy in their little faces were just priceless. And Christmas just continues to amaze me every year with the wonder that it brings celebrating the birth of our Savior and seeing my kiddos faces come Christmas morning! 

For the New Year we will have many new things underway for our FAM, so stay tuned....

This family blog is going to be a work in progress for me as  I plan on sharing what's new with the Smith's, mild parenting humor, my journey in motherhood, the Lord's grace, recipes to try, DIY creations and ideas as well as crafting, & homeschooling (Kindergarten for Hudson) ideas, tips and my overall learning as new homeschooling parent! 

So what is new with the Smith's? Well, for one we have a new little-baby-Smith- #3-bundle of joy on the way -- Due July 26th! We find out the sex of the baby this Wednesday! I have convinced myself I AM having a boy until that gender reveal ultrasound proves me right/wrong! At least I can continue looking at girly stuff until they confirm boy, right? Hahah